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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Download Image From any site without visit with Image Grab Dummy! v2.1( full version)

ImageGrabDummy! is an image search gallery and viewer which can download hundreds of pictures of any kind from the web, displaying them in an instant preview.

ImageGrabDummy! uses two methods to search for images. The first is by keyword. It uses a search engine to find web pages for your keywords specified, downloads all images from those pages, and continues to spider through the links.

The second method is by specifying a starting web page to begin the search for images and links. ImageGrabDummy! will then continue from there collecting images off subsequent web pages.

This powerful image search tool can collect hundreds of graphics from the web with one single click.

The built-in image gallery lets you view images as they are downloaded in real-time. 

ImageGrabDummy! contains several advanced filters including the ability to ignore downloading images less than a certain file size, only download GIF or JPG, view and remove URLs in the queue to be searched, instant and automatic image gallery previewing, and more. The ImageGrabDummy! auto-preview screen lets you view images as they are downloaded. It's literally like watching a slide-show as the images begin rolling in.

Begin your image search by a starting url or through
a search engine using keywords.

The filters make it easy to block out unwanted content
and advertisement graphics.

ImageGrabDummy! has other time-saving features including skipping a site, blocking a site from future searches, moving images to the desktop, and image sorting. It's easy to block out advertisement images with the advanced filters in ImageGrabDummy!.

For even better results, enter a starting Web Address that you know has an image gallery on it, and ImageGrabDummy! will download all the images onto your computer.

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